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About Us

Mission & Beliefs

 Mission Statement:

Our mission is for each of our students to EXCEL: to EXperience Jesus, to Communicate clearly and think critically, to Embrace service and citizenship, and to Live healthfully in body and mind. 

Vision & Expected Schoolwide Learning Results:

Our vision is for our students and staff to “increase in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and man.” Luke 2:52 

Students will EXperience Jesus by....

  • Connecting - by participating in Christian worship and developing relationships within the church, school, and community 
  • Understanding - core Biblical concepts and their practical application
  •  Ministering – to others through worship and community service
  • Equipping – themselves to be lifelong leaders within the school, church, and community

Students will Communicate clearly and think critically by…

  • Analyzing and evaluating – data and symbols
  • Problem solving – using creative skills, reasoning, technology, core knowledge and models
  • Communicating – through spoken/written word and other media, following guidelines of proper English and Christian ethics
  • Creating – fully developed ideas, by the synthesis and application of ideas and information

Students will Embrace service and citizenship by…

  • Increasing – appreciation for service in the community
  • Exhibiting – positive, respectful actions and attitudes
  • Demonstrating – diligent work ethic 
  • Expressing – respect for diverse points of view
  •  Developing – responsibility for self-development, by performing at personal best, choosing to do honest work and progressing towards self-goals for the future

Students will Live healthfully in body and mind by…

  • Participating – in regular physical activity
  • Increasing – standards of physical fitness
  • Choosing – Healthy options of food and drink
  • Maintaining – habits that promote health and avoiding self -destructive behavior
  • Recognizing – the connection between the body and mind

Philosophy & Goals

Thunderbird Adventist Academy embraces a philosophy that maintains education is a preparation for life – life in its present and eternal context, recognizing God as the source of all knowledge and wisdom.  Thunderbird Adventist Academy believes in the uniqueness and value of the individual and is committed to challenging each student to:

  • Experience a personal relationship with Christ that permeates every aspect of their life, and learn to share that relationship
  • Understand the teachings of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, and identify their distinctive role within its mission
  • Recognize God as their Creator, and care responsibly for their body
  • Develop physical skills and an interest in achieving life-long optimal, vibrant health
  • Experience successful social interaction through a positive self-worth based on their identity as a child of God
  • Assume greater personal responsibility as members of a family unit and society
  • Learn to communicate effectively by word and action
  • Think critically in all aspects of academics and life
© 2024 Thunderbird Adventist Academy

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