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An Investment Worth A Lifetime


Invest in your student's future with an education from Thunderbird Adventist Academy. At TAA, our mission is for each student to EXCEL: Experience Jesus, Communicate clearly and think critically, Embrace service and citizenship and Live healthfully in body and mind. Students will acquire wisdom, knowledge, and a Biblical worldview as they develop a lifestyle of character, leadership, service, stewardship, and worship.

We're looking for talented and motivated students, and we're committed to helping them find a way to make the Thunderbird investment affordable. 

In the state of Arizona, families are blessed to benefit from multiple tuition assistance options, including School Tuition Organizations (STOs) and Empowerment Scholarship Accounts (ESAs). Between these options and others, every TAA family should be able to cover between 40-100% of their out-of-pocket tuition costs. And we are intent on helping families identify the best tuition assistance option for them. 

If you have any questions regarding tuition or fees, please reach out to our business office - 

Financial Assistance For Tuition Costs

Financial assistance, which comes in a variety of forms, is granted to families based on several factors, including family income, number of children in the family, number of children in church school, student GPA, and funds available.

An appointment should be arranged with the finance office to discuss a student’s needs as early in the application process as possible. A copy of the current federal income tax forms or W-2s are required as part of the application process.

Funds are limited. To be eligible for most of these options, students meet specific criteria and fill out application materials.


The following requirements must be met to be eligible for any of Thunderbird Adventist Academy’s financial aid programs including scholarship assistance, church or summer work matching, and all other financial aid programs:

  • Academic: The student must maintain at least a 2.0 GPA and may not be on two consecutive D & F lists
  • Attendance: The student must have fewer than 18 attendance points at all times
  • Citizenship: The student must maintain a positive citizenship record, and not be involved in any major discipline issues (Major discipline is any issue that is reviewed by Administrative Council.)
  • Work: The student must work at least 15 hours per month. If the student cannot work the minimum of 15 hours per month due to scheduling conflicts they may appeal to Administrative Council to lower this requirement
  • Parental Commitment: The parent (or responsible party) must stay current with their monthly financial commitment to Thunderbird



Applications for Financial Aid, Tuition Discount, and Summer Work Match must be completed before August 1st.  All financial assistance, scholarship awards, and matching amounts require continued enrollment and re-qualification each year.

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